HGS has successfully completed a vast range of projects:
Remote Camps, near Laverton WA
Projects include fully operational fly camps with kitchen/office caravan; a tent for each employee with a double bed, shower/toiletry facilities, and a lay down area for samples, supplies and maintenance.
Metal Ion Geochemistry
Using quad bikes, we covered a regional area of approximately 2000km² on a 500m x 500m grid, and close space infill within selected areas to 50m x 50m. In the Gascoyne we have covered approximately 500km² with patterns varying from 300m² to 150m², and near Pine Creek in the Northern Territory we operated in some of the worst possible areas with crocodiles, wild pigs and snakes covering 100km². We also arranged the transportation to SGS, the collation of results, interpretation, presentation/reporting, and recommendations.
HGS planned, budgeted, arranged the drilling, and organised all facets of the program. The client only had to discuss the program at board level, and provide approval and funding.
HGS has successfully completed a vast range of projects throughout Australia, including:
Australian Mines Ltd
Database, project review, drill planning, full geological and drilling support, interpretations
Hastings Rare Metals
Providing Geological support for drill programs,
Remote camping
Aphrodite Gold Ltd
RC and Diamond drilling with full geological control
GWM Resources
Project reviews and recommendations. Drilling programs and full geological management. MMI geochemistry
Primary Gold Ltd
Geological management, RC and diamond drilling to point of supplying geology and assays
St George Mining Ltd
Full exploration management, MMI geochemistry, geophysics, AC/RC & Diamond drilling, personnel, remote camp, equipment
Mining Projects Group Ltd
Full exploration management, geochemistry, geophysics, AC/RC & Diamond drilling, personnel, remote camp, equipment
Maiden Iron Pty Ltd
Diamond drilling, personnel, remote camp, equipment
Minjar Gold
Geochemistry: quad bikes, sampling equipment and personnel
Murray Zircon
Sample storage
Peartree Resources
Pty Ltd
Tenement investigations and recommendations, rock chip analysis
Xstrata Zinc
Technical audit, resource evaluation
Greenpower Energy Ltd
Diamond drilling, equipment and personnel
Stone Resources Australia
Full exploration management, geochemistry, RC drilling, personnel, remote camp, equipment
Crescent Gold Limited
Geochemistry sampling, equipment and personnel. Resource evaluations
Focus Minerals Ltd
Geochemistry sampling, equipment and personnel. RC & Diamond drilling programs – full management
Rarus Resources
Geochemistry sampling, equipment and personnel
Gold Mines Pty Ltd
Resource evaluations
Korab Resources Limited
Full exploration management, geochemistry, RC drilling, personnel, remote camp, equipment. Resource evaluations
Adamus Resources Limited
Technical audit and resource evaluation
Melrose Gold Mines
Pty Ltd
Diamond drilling and resource evaluations
A1 Minerals Limited
Resource evaluations